
Kodavas have segregated themselves into families. In the past, each family had a certain duty, not anymore. As stated in the “History” section of this website, there is no mention of the origin of families or any mention of any family names in recorded history that can be verified. Another reason for this can be because there has not been sufficient research done on the origin of Kodavas. Nevertheless, families still exist.

Most families have an “Ayn Mane”. Which, according to custom is the house of the creator of that particular family. At present, the “Ayn Mane” is used for social gatherings and functions for the particular family. The name of every Kodava will comprise of three individual names. The first will be the family name, the second the father’s, and the third the name of the person. A lady upon marriage bears the husband’s family name, and her father’s name is substituted by the husband’s name. A family usually has a family head (elected or the eldest) who decides where the family’s money is spent. This custom is rarely practised nowadays.




